TradeTech FX USA 2017 (past event)
February 13 - 15, 2017
Contact Us: 44 (0) 207 367 9576
Paresh Upadhyaya
Director of Currency Strategy
Pioneer Investments
Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Paresh.
Download The Latest AgendaDay 1- Tuesday February 14th 2017
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
14:00 360 Perspective: Geo-political investment trends- How can you exploit political drivers in the US, Europe and Asia for your FX portfolio?
- What major events in 2017 will have the biggest impact on FX markets and how can you set up a winning strategy to capitalize on these?
- What do the major elections in Europe mean for the Eurozone on the back of Brexit- Is there a risk of further break-up?
- Geo-political landscape from a risk management perspective- How can you structure a profitable portfolio on top of this?
- Learning from past events- How can you use lessons from recent political events to best handle the unbalanced risks associated with major events in 2017?