TradeTech FX USA 2017 (past event)

February 13 - 15, 2017

Contact Us: 44 (0) 207 367 9576

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Mr Howard Tai

Senior Analyst
Aite Group

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Howard.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day 1- Tuesday February 14th 2017

Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

14:50 360 Perspective: The impact of changing global regulation on traditional FX market structure- How is this likely to evolve going forward?

  • Clearing houses- How do they see regulation driving their business and how will they disintermediate?
  • What are the alternative models for clearing and who can provide a reliable clearing service under the new requirements?
  • What are the economic benefits to clearing vs not clearing certain DX products?
  • Voluntary clearing- Will market participants now voluntarily clear FX products that do not fall under clearing requirements?
  • What will the knock on effects with the new guidelines and will the buy side favour certain strategies over others to mitigate this?

Day 2- Wednesday February 15th 2017

Friday, March 2nd, 2018

09:00 All Star Panel: The changing economics of FX liquidity provision- How can you overcome reduced risk appetite and lower dealer balance sheets to source reliable liquidity in FX markets?

  • Analyzing the state of liquidity- What have been the key drivers to illiquidity in FX markets and what strategies can you exploit to over come them?
  • The link between volatility and illiquidity- How can you best manage your FX execution in volatile conditions?
  • Black swan risk mitigation- How can liquidity conditions be improved during times of market stress and how can you adapt your strategy to manage this?
  • Should the distribution of liquidity be more evenly spread between the top banks and the rest in order to facilitate a fairer Aggregating a fragmented market- How can technology help you understand liquidity conditions to help you make more informed trading decisions?
  • Hot potato trading- Does this represent the future for FX with reduced risk appetite and inventory on the sell side?

11:40 360 Perspective: Front Office Talent- What skillsets are essential when running successful FX trading teams in electronic markets?

  • How do the traditional FX trading approaches need to change in order to prosper in a new FX structure?
  • What expertise and technological know how is now needed on the buy side in increasingly electronic markets?
  • How is the impact of senior staff leaving and reduced risk appetite impacting the required skillsets of buy side traders?
  • Is increased technology usage leading to the disintermediation of relationships between the buy and sell side?