TradeTech FX USA 2017 (past event)
February 13 - 15, 2017
Contact Us: 44 (0) 207 367 9576
Dan Viola
Sadis and Goldberg
Day 1- Tuesday February 14th 2017
Tuesday, March 8th, 2016
14:50 360 Perspective: The impact of changing global regulation on traditional FX market structure- How is this likely to evolve going forward?
- Clearing houses- How do they see regulation driving their business and how will they disintermediate?
- What are the alternative models for clearing and who can provide a reliable clearing service under the new requirements?
- What are the economic benefits to clearing vs not clearing certain DX products?
- Voluntary clearing- Will market participants now voluntarily clear FX products that do not fall under clearing requirements?
- What will the knock on effects with the new guidelines and will the buy side favour certain strategies over others to mitigate this?